Sunday, August 9, 2015

Filling My Cup

Can This Summer Just Be Over Already?

This week has been really hard. The kids are getting restless. It's the end of summer and they are tired of sitting in the house all day ... heck they are tired of doing anything that requires a parent be present. It's been a REALLY tough week. We've tried the entertainment route with a LOTR marathon but that has been for naught.

Parenting takes a lot out you, more than you realize sometimes. When I first became a parent I felt guilty for leaving to go to the grocery store or the post office or to take a bath. Now I understand the value of taking time to fill my cup, especially after week's like this. I used to get my nails or hair done or go shopping when I wanted to fill my cup but today that time took a different form.

Fall Came Early

 I have a slight (major) obsession with all things Fall. It's my favorite time of year. The best family events can be done during this season (pumpkin patch, football games, pumpkin carving, baking, Russian Tea drinking, etc) and it has the absolute best weather. (Please feel free to argue for any other season in the comments below, I promise to keep an open mind) Today I just couldn't wait any longer, I brought out my crock-pots and gave into the obsession during quiet time. 

I scoured Pinterest for the perfect recipes, I didn't intend to replicate them, I just wanted to get ideas from them. Once I found the recipes I gathered the ingredients. Then, I set to work in the kitchen. I made a recipe of my own for Apple Butter, Pumpkin Butter and I made some BBQ sauce from a recipe I found online. I must say, I am very proud of my Apple and Pumpkin Butters! 

Most of all, I spent time in the kitchen doing something I really enjoy and in the process I filled my cup after a really difficult week. There was no one in the kitchen but me. I was able to take my time, play with spices, measurements, and make it my own. 

I said I used to feel guilty for leaving, I don't anymore. I understand now that in order to be the best parent possible I need time to play in the kitchen, go shopping or get my nails done to fill my cup so that I can better parent them. I can't give grace or mercy when my grace and mercy are all tapped out, they need to be refilled. 

So I'm sitting here watching The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers with my children waiting for my Apple Butter to finish with a full cup ready for what the new week brings. 

How do you fill your cup back up when it's contents have been diminished? Do you see the value of having personal time away from your kids? Let us know how you deal with your personal care in the comments below, I look forward to reading them. 

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